Saturday, September 12, 2009


Well we've just made it to Vienna after 5 1/2 hours by train and have had local dinner and settled into our accommodation at a fairly central location. Prague was amazing! We had a beautiful day and walked the pavements in the hot sun, taking in as many sights as we could. A couple of panadol washed down by a starbucks sorted us for the rest of the day and we got a tram up to the castle to enjoy the sights from up there and wandered down thru the old town to the Charles Bridge. It is one of the focal points of Prague with lots of people lingering on the bridge and enjoying the statues and artists and live music. The next stop was following the crowds along the old winding streets to the Old Town Square. We were hanging out by 5 to have dinner so decided to go for the local specialty which is goulash & dumplings. Then spent an hour or so on the Charles Bridge enjoying the ambience and taking photos as the sun sunk over the castle!!!!!! ahhh


  1. Ok...TOTALLY jealous now! Prague has been first on my return agenda for years...I want to see all the photos on your return! Have heaps of fun!!!


  2. Hi Meryl
    Wow, it looks like you are having an awesome time. We are doing well. Shona came for the afternoon and stayed for dinner today which was fun. Ollie kept calling out for you meaning Shona, hehe. Miss you heaps and enjoy the rest of your time.
    Lv the Murray Family
